Wednesday, 30 January 2008

What a Great Day

Hope you are also having a great day,.
Mine started pretty good. Hubby has just gone onto Day shift after 7 years of afternoon shift, so I am finding it hard to adjust my sleeping patterns at night, not used to going to bed so early.I am certainly not used to getting up early either. I got up at 7am and thought what do people do this early so I started making dolls. It took me 2 hours and I have now finished another primitive doll..
Still finding it hard to make those ugly dolls, but I must admit they are easier to make because you don't
have to get the face

Keep coming back as I bought quite a few new patters
yesterday, so I am gonna be a busy
Back soon


1 comment:

Rico Pole said...

If the "mudpies" image above is one of the dolls you're referring to I'd like to humbly object to the use of the word "ugly". I think it's quite adorable.

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