Saturday, 22 November 2008

Done for this year

Well I did my last market for this year today and I must say I am glad to have a break..
I did really well and had a good time but I am worn out.. above are some of my latest dolls..
The next market I will do will be in March, hopefully this will give me time to clean my craft room up. LOL
I am going to list some of my dolls on Ebay this week, hopefully I will sell some so I can make some new ones from some of the hundreds of patterns I have purchased this year.. I am really looking forward to doing something new next year not sure what yet but it will be a big year for me and I hope to have a different outlook on life after my operation.
Some sad news now!!
I must update you on my friends Joey that I told you about in a previous blog, Maisie.
The poor little thing had to be put down Wednesday.
It was a very sad day, she just couldn't come back from her injuries..

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Back Again

Well here I am again.. Not much to tell you this week, been a slow week cause I had a cold and couldn't be bothered with anything.. I am sure you have felt that way from time to ..I did sell 10 dolls on e-bay in the last couple of weeks which was great..BUT now I have to replace them with some new ones for the next market which is the 20th of September. I have made a couple, but I am trying some new things like Coat hanger Safes, which I will show you when I have finished them.. Went to spotlight yesterday but the rotten buggers were shut for stock take..How dare they. LOL A few pics above of the dolls I have made..The Girl on the Moonbeam I made for a friend for her 50th birthday.. Catch ya all next time..
Keep Safe Tracey

Saturday, 9 August 2008

New month already here

Hard to believe we are over half way through the year already..
Some of the new dolls I have made since I last posted are pictured above.The witch I don't really like, but someone My favorite is the Crash witch.. My dad shakes his head ever time he sees it, he just doesn't get
The Joey's name is Maisie and she is 8 months old.. Her mum was hit by a car and my friend is looking after her until she can be released at about 18 months old. She will go to a sanctuary.She loves to get out of her bag and play with my poodle.
I have recently done 2 markets but didn't sell many dolls so I have put some on ebay..
Will try to write more later in the week
Keep Safe

Monday, 30 June 2008

Another week has started

Well its the beginning of another week already..This year is going too quick.. I am trying to get some more dolls made for my next market which is on the 26th of July.. I really look forward to them as there are some wonderful stall holders..I have recently begun a friendship with one of the ladies and we try to catch up for coffee once a week..
I never think you can have too many friends..
One of my internet friends Shagsy recently had a birthday and I made her the lap quilt pictured above, which she loved..
I have just made some chicken soup which smells wonderful..I just hope it tastes as
bye for now

Monday, 9 June 2008

Lap Band Surgery

Well I finally did it.After 17 years of being overweight and my health going down hill, I have taken out medical insurance so I can get Lap Band Surgery done.. I will have to wait 12 months before I can get it done which gives me time to find out more about it.. My hubby and I went to a Seminar about the operation which had the whole team there which includes Dietitian , Psychologist, Life coach and the surgeon.. I would love to hear from anyone who has had this done or knows of anyone who has had it done.. I am not naive and know that there is a risk to all operations, but If I don't do it now I wont be around to see grandkids, Thats if I ever get any. LOL This is a link to the Lap Band Information if anyone is interested.. I know you might be thinking I am a bloody idiot but until you have walked in my shoes you wont know what it is like.. So be happy for me and wish me luck!!!

Bye for now
Have a Safe Week

Monday, 2 June 2008

UFO's Finished

Hello again...
I have been stuck at home with a cold for 10 days so I have been trying to keep myself busy, So I thought I would try to finish some UFO's off.. I managed to get 3 done .
50 to go!!!!
My friend Sharon had her pattern of Pirate Pete in the Austrailian Homespun Magazine so I just had to make one for myself..
I am going to make another one for my teacher friend Janet as she does a pirate theme each year with the kids and I am sure they would like to take it in turns taking him home for the night.. Albert the little Vampire boy was my first fully painted doll and he was fun to make and am looking forward to doing some more folk art dolls. He was from a pattern by Frowning Francis.
The Vampire on the wooden candle stitch was my first Round Head doll which I was nervous about doing, but found it quite easy. Catch Ya all soon, have a great week

I Got Tagged

My friend Laura Ann has tagged me with this very revealing tag.
Tag the ABC's about you.
Each player then tags more people and posts their names,
then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment,letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

A -Attached or single: Attached

B- Best Friend: J
C-Cake or Pie : Cheese Cake
D-Day: Saturday
E- Essential Item: nickers
F- Favorite Color: Black and purple
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Gummi Bears
H-Home town: Para Hills West, South Australia
I- Indulgences: Chocolate Eclair
J- January or July?:.... July I hate summer
K-Kids:.... 2
L-Life is incomplete without: Family
M- Marriage Date: November 18th
N- Number of Siblings: one, Brother
O- Oranges or Apples: Fuji apples
P- Phobias or Fears: Spiders
Q- Quote: Shit Happens!!
R- Reason To Smile: I'm alive
S- Season: Autumn
T- Tag Three: Judith
U- Unknown fact about me: I have dimples in my shoulders
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: Oppressor of animals
W- Worst Habit: Obsessive
Y-Your favorite food: Chineese
Z: Zodiac Sign: Pieces

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Another Month Gone

Well another month has passed.
This year seems to be getting shorter

I have been sick this week so I have had alot of time to do some sewing.. I made a bride & Groom dolls which was an order. I made 15 small annie hearts, A 3 doll swag which I think I will be making more of, I finished a birthday gift for a friend.. Now all I have to do is the cleaning!!

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Craft Market a Success

What a wonderful day we had yesterday.. It started at 7.45am for me. Greeting the stall holders and helping them set up.The weather was a perfect 24deg celcius.I sold about $200 worth so I can now go buy more
I wish all my Primragchatter friends could come and join in the fun..I run these markets for the Local Scout Group every 2 months and I love every minute of it..
If you ever get down to adelaide in March, May, July, September or Novembersend me an email and see if we have a market on.
Have a safe journey wherever you go...

Saturday, 29 March 2008

I am so excited

Hello again it has been a busy week in my life, I have decided to make some Cute dolls for the Salisbury Market we have here in June. My friend Jo has asked me to share a site with her and I am so excited.. I have never sold my goods at such a big market before and am going to have to rethink prices as you have to take the cost of the stall into consideration.. Too much to think about. I will be posting some pics of my new dolls as soon as I have them ready and would love you to let me know what you think..Above is a Halloween angel I finally finished and above that is a cute bowl filler..
Catch Ya soon
Have a Great week.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

What a Great Day

Hope you are also having a great day,.
Mine started pretty good. Hubby has just gone onto Day shift after 7 years of afternoon shift, so I am finding it hard to adjust my sleeping patterns at night, not used to going to bed so early.I am certainly not used to getting up early either. I got up at 7am and thought what do people do this early so I started making dolls. It took me 2 hours and I have now finished another primitive doll..
Still finding it hard to make those ugly dolls, but I must admit they are easier to make because you don't
have to get the face

Keep coming back as I bought quite a few new patters
yesterday, so I am gonna be a busy
Back soon


My Weight Journey